Art Chan L

2020 ist das Jahr der Corona-Krise, infolgederer wir an Österreichs Schule auf homeschooling umstellen mussten. So entstand der Art Chan L, als Möglichkeit von zuhause aus Zeichen- und Malimpulse zu bekommen und mit meinen SchülerInnen und KursteilnehmerInnen in Kontakt zu bleiben.

Weitere Videos gibt es unter folgendem Link:

Art Chan L - life drawing

drawing, painting, sculpting - various techniques inspired by the wonderful models and the particular poses they inspire with.
I´m keeping the talking to a minimum but please ask me in the comment section if you are interested in details.

All the artwork created for this channel will be for sale.

I have been drawing and painting female nudes for over 30 years, but only recently could I accept the suggestion that the process of creating my drawings could also be fun to watch. If you agree please tell me and I will gladly upload more videos.

Copyright © 2020 Dominic Chan

Tel. 00436601274380,

facebook: Dominic Chan

instagram: dominicochan